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1. Why is it necessary to start with the hair+ lab Hair Growth Essential Set?

The hair growth treatment process typically involves different stages. hair+ lab’s Hair Growth Essential Set effectively covers all stages from scalp deep cleansing and hair follicle cleansing to hair growth activation. The essential set is made for a full treatment cycle of 4-6 months. It improves overall scalp condition and promotes hair growth results by activating the hair follicle and encouraging hair regrowth.

2. How long will it take for hair to grow after using hair+ lab ?

The average duration for hair to grow is 3 months starting from the roots. Generally, you should see visible results after around 3 and a half months of using hair+ lab.

3. Are there any side effects to using hair+ lab?

No, there will be no side effects because hair+ lab is formulated from 100% Chinese herbsin combination with nanotechnology. Moreover, it is used externally, hence there will be no harm to the body.

4. Do I need to continue using hair+ lab if I have completed one Hair Growth Essential Set?

Hair is similar to our body in that it needs nourishment. We recommend continued usage of the products. However, you can reduce the number of uses depending on how well your hair responds to the products.

5. I have started using hair+ lab and have noticed that sometimes small red bumps will appear on my scalp. Should I be concerned?

Our products are made from Chinese herbal extracts which are developed to activate the hair follicles. There is no need to worry as the red bumps will disappear around 2 weeks.

6. Why it is that hair+ lab scalp care products should not be washed off immediately after use?

The absorption of nutrients in the human body is a comparatively long process. For scalp care, in particular hair growth products, it is important to first solve any problems concerning nutrients absorption before the products can be effective.

7. Why is it that one cannot do strenuous exercise immediately after using hair+ lab products?

The reason is because the hair+ lab products contain active ingredients for blood circulation and strenuous exercise will cause tingling sensations on the scalp.

8. Can a person wear wigs while recovering from hair loss?

Wearing a wig will lead to two problems:

  1. The wig will oppress blood vessels in the scalp and affect blood circulation.
  2. The wig will not only obstruct ventilation to the hair but cause bacteria and dust build up which can lead to hair loss.
9. Why are patients suffering from seborrheic alopecia advised to shave their heads in the process of hair loss recovery?

There are two advantages for patients with seborrheic alopecia to shave their heads when they are recovering from hair loss. One advantage is that a shaved head allows the products to have direct contact with the scalp and promote better absorption. The second is that hair follicles are unobstructed so new hair can grow easily. Understandably, some patients are concerned about their image and do not want to shave their heads, but shaving will definitely have a positive effect. So even if you do not wish to shave off all your hair, do ensure that it is kept short. 

10. In the process of shampooing the hair, does the temperature of the water have any effect on hair loss recovery?

During the hair regrowth process, one must not use cold water to shampoo. The ideal temperature should be around 37-40 degrees. Water that is too cold will cause hair follicles to shrink and affect the absorption effect of the products.

11. Will hair growth recovery be affected if treatment usage is interrupted?

Certainly, as hair recovery is a process of cell restoration. This process is slow and treatment could be further slowed down by interrupted use. Thus, it is best not to interrupt the treatment or else, more effort is needed in recovery.

12. At what age will the hair regrowth treatments no longer effective for hair loss victims?

It depends on how many years the person has had hair loss. In general, we will not give any promises to those who have experienced hair loss for more than 25 years. This is because the bodily functions of an older person are declining. However, this does not mean that long-time sufferers of hair loss will be unable to regrow hair, just that the process will be slower.

13. Will excessive smoking, drinking and other bad habits have an effect on the hair regrowth process?

Nicotine in cigarettes will shrink the blood vessels, causing blood circulation disorders and poor scalp blood circulation. Moderate drinking will cause the blood vessels to expand, thus promoting blood circulation which is beneficial for hair growth. However, excessive drinking will produce acetaldehyde due to the decomposition of liquor in the body and oxygen and nutrients will be discharged from the blood, resulting in hair loss. It is recommended to avoid smoking and drinking during the course of treatment.

14. How do we maintain hair that has been restored after using hair+ lab?

First of all, it is important to ensure that there is no further hair loss, followed by a change in eating and living habits. Consume less spicy and oily food, avoid smoking and drinking and maintain a positive mental and physical well-being.

15. In addressing hair loss problems, what should I pay attention to?

a) Start from the hair roots: The scalp’s skin condition should be thoroughly cleaned to improve scalp capillary microcirculation and restore follicle vitality.

b) Prevention is better than cure: If signs of hair loss and baldness such as excessive sebum secretion, unusually greasy hair, increased dandruff and itchy scalp are detected early, the chances of preventing or improving hair loss are higher.

c) Natural herbal plant extracts: For hundreds of years, people have been using herbs to nourish the scalp and promote the growth of strong, healthy hair. The list of herbs traditionally used for this purpose is extensive and increasing. When hair balding and hair loss occurs, it is best to use anti-hair loss products that have no side effects.

16. Is there a permanent cure for hair loss?

There are two kinds of hair loss: temporary and permanent. Temporary hair loss is generally due to various factors that reduce blood supply to hair follicles. One example is systolic dysfunction in local blood flow regulation, which restricts the flow of blood to the scalp and causes temporary hair loss. As there is no damage to the hair follicle structure, new hair can still be regenerated after treatment for temporary hair loss. But because permanent hair loss is due to pathological changes in the body, this causes structural damage to the hair follicle, and thus unfortunately new hair cannot be regenerated.

 Hair Growth Essential Set